
How to create hiberate archive [Closed]

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  • #224484 Reply


    There is a lot of confusion as to how to properly create a hibernate archive. I tried without success. Can someone give a hello world type of example here to deploy it in Jboss 4.x. Thanks!

    #224486 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    1) Create a new Java Project, name it “Something.har”
    2) Put your hib files in there
    3) Make this project a dependency of another project (Web or Enterprise)
    4) Deploy the project, ME will package the project into Something.har and deploy it for you.

    #224533 Reply


    Thanks for your reply. However, I’m not sure how to set the dependency of the .har project to the web project?
    I went in the properties and marked the check box for for Project References of my web project. But it doesn’t package the .har project with my web project? Can you let me know where the dependency should be set?

    #224544 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Open your project properties back up, go to Java BUild Path and the Projects tab, and be sure to add your HAR project to the Build Path of your WEb Project.

    #224593 Reply


    I managed to add the har project to the build path of the web project. Then I deployed it and noticed that the .har is packaged inside the /web-inf/lib directory. JBoss however, does not do create the MBean according to the .har project. My question is: How should the .har project be packaged so the JBoss can see it as .har project and trigger the creation of the MBean for Hibernate service?
    Thanks again for your great support.

    #224600 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    IIRC I think JBoss wants you to deploy a EAR that has the WARs and HARs in the root level, and from there it will unpack them won’t it? If it does, setup a new Enterprise Project from MYEclipse, and make your Web and Java projects modules of it, then deploy THAT to JBoss.

    #224625 Reply


    Hi Riyad,
    According to Jboss document, a HAR can be deployed standalone.
    I just hope to get a simple Har to deploy with no luck.
    Here is what I have in the content of test.har
    meta/inf/ hibernate-service.xml

    I dropped the test.har into the default server deploy directory and getting the following error:
    [hibernate] Starting failed jboss.har:service=Hibernate
    at org.jboss.hivernate.jmx.Hibernate.buildSessionFactory(Hibernate.java:567)…

    Can idea?

    #224645 Reply


    Hi Riyad,

    I found the problem. It was a stupid typo in my hibernate-service.xml that caused the hibernate service to fail. After I fixed the typo, I was able to deploy the har project as standalone and the Hibernate MBean got created sucessful which allows my web application to use the service to create hibernate session using jndi lookup. Thank again very much for your help.

    #224647 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m glad you got it working.

    #225783 Reply

    Paulo Neves

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    I’m glad you got it working.


    I have the same problem, what’s the stupid typo ? Perhaps, I’ve the same one.


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