
how to create web service with mySQL?

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  • #264571 Reply



    i need to create a bottom-up web service for my school project..i’ve already tried the steps from ‘myEclipse HelpContents’ and its successful!
    but now i need to know, which code to put where?
    like is the flow like.. from jsp->servlet->webservice->database(mySQL)->servlet->jsp?
    and what code to put on which page?

    can you tell me how to call the web service? any sample code as in what code to put on each page?
    how can i retrieve data from database and where does the data go to? to the webservice back or servlet page pr jsp?


    #264591 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

    sutini, this is a loaded question, meaning you are essentially asking how ot develop an application. I would try and break your problem down into smaller pieces first and then go to the appropriate areas and ask those quesitons.

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