
How to develop RCP Editor and View parts?

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  • #269595 Reply

    I am primarily a RCP developer building an application. My RCP editor and view parts have a lot of GUI components that I woud like to build in a GUI builder. I want to know how I would do this using myeclipseide and matisee4myeclipse? I see a way to create a new. How will my RCP view display this form?

    Is more RCP support planned for Matisee4MyEclipse?

    I am still evaluating myeclipse. If I cannot build rcp applications using a GUI builder then myeclispe is of no use to my company.


    #269613 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you are looking exclusively for RCP tools using the Eclipse platform, please take a look at Instantiations toolset.

    #269619 Reply

    Thanks for pointing me to instantiations. But can i use myeclipse+mantiss4myeclipse to design editorpart and viewparts? I don;t want full rcp support like the instantiations toolkit. I want a gui builder to build the editorparts and viewparts. Can your professional edition do this?


    #269623 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The Matisse4MyEclipse is a Swing-based designer, it cannot create EditorParts and ViewParts.

    #269627 Reply

    The following is from a description of Matisse4MyEclipse. Guess i misunderstood. Thanks for clearing up that MyEclipse is not for me. It looks like MyEclipse is not the right toolset for me.

    “…..Matisse4MyEclipse was developed by Genuitec’s R&D lab to meet increasing customer demand for MyEclipse to provide world-class Swing RCP developer tools.”

    #269630 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The follow description is accurate, Matisse4MyEclipse is to developer *Swing-based* RCP apps, the question you had was specifically for Eclipse-based concepts (EditorParts and ViewParts), these are Eclipse/SWT constructs and not part of Swing, so MyEclipse doesn’t support them.

    Again I really think the Instantiation toolset is what you are looking for if you are building ontop of the Eclipse platform, they are really good tools.

    Hope that helps.

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