- This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 6 months ago by support-swapna.
amir55Participanthi dear all
I try to installl JBoss tools on myeclipse for spring but not working
how to do it
the iste is
and I added the software url but not new tools installed why.
alos there is no help/dind and instaal new sw like previous versions
thanks a lot
Can you answer some more questions for me to understand the issue better ?
1) Which version of MyEclipse for Spring are you working with ?
2) How did you try to install JBoss tools ? Did you use the update site listed in the above url ?
3) Can you also make sure that the version of JBoss tools being installed is compatible with the base Eclipse version? For example, if you are working with MyEclipse for Spring 8.6 then the tools version should be compatible with Eclipse 3.5 version.
4) Do you see any errors when installing the tools? Check for any errors of interest logged in the .log file which is located at <workspace dir>/.metadata/.log. If yes then paste them here.
5) Refer to http://www.myeclipseide.com/documentation/quickstarts/install_update_sites/#add-site on how to install a plugin using update site.
Let me know how it works for you
amir55ParticipantDear Swapna
thanks in anticapation
1 – I use MyEclipse for Spring version 9
2 – I use the sw in configuration.
3 – very simply all I need to do is to run facelet on JBoss. The exampe ondemand on MyEclipse MyBlogFacelets does not run on JBoss. So I endevoured to get
example on the net. so I found a simplest one at this url
http://drndivoje.wordpress.com/2010/01/09/starting-with-facelets-part-1/ which nececiates installing JBoss tools. Here was my point to how to install JBoss toolsto get the program running then I try to run MyBlogFacelets on JBoss. I do not know of the copatiblity problem as you stated in point 3
Alternatively if you would be kind enough to help me run MyBlogFacelets on JBos to save me
all my internet searching for weeks without avail.
Though I still need you to try to install JBos tools on MyEclipse for Spring ver 9 if it might work with you successfully to tell me kindly of the steps
many thanks and take care.
yours faithfully
support-swapnaModeratoramir55 ,
The MyBlogFacelets example discussed in the MyEclipse tutorial section had been tested to run on Tomcat/Glassfish servers. I am afraid it would’nt run without issues on JBoss.
There is a known issue running facelets on JBoss : http://community.jboss.org/message/126295
I suggest you work on the recommendations discussed in the above thread and cross post to JBoss forums for better support.
Hope this helps.
amir55Participantyes I try other sources of solutions thought it took me ages so far.
but if you could let me know if you could add the JBoss tools successfully on MyEclipse
for spring ver 9 on this link https://www.jboss.org/tools/download.html or not.but I advice for your interest too to try to run this example here for your subscribers like myself
I am more than thankful for your kind help
support-swapnaModeratoramir55 ,
Most of the features of JBoss tools like Maven support,Hibernate support, Struts support are already available in MyEclipse. Because of our internal use of JBoss Tools, installing an external version of these tools will cause conflicts. Even if installable this may result in an unstable configuration. So you should either refrain from installing features already built into MyEclipse or uninstall the features from MyEclipse (Go to MyEclipse Configuration Center > Dashboard to remove them)and try using the ones packaged with JBoss tools.
You could try installing features like Drools Support from JBoss tools which are not available in MyEclipse. I could install it in MyEclipse for Spring. The update site I used is : http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable/helios/
If you are looking at installing JBoss tools only to be able to work with Facelets then I suggest you cross post this query to JBoss forums as it is related to JBoss rather than a MyEclipse issue.
Hope this helps.