
how to make myeclipse3. to work with eclipse 3.1 and jdk 1.5

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  • #222139 Reply



    I installed eclipse 3.1 m4 and myeclipse 3.8.3 with jdk1.5. I then built a simple web app. I can compile and set up servers.

    But “add and remove project deployent” sub-menu can’t not be found under MyEclipse menu. So I can’t deploy my app to Tomcat5. Is this a bug or am I MISSING SOMETHING?

    any help will be greatly appreciated.


    #222144 Reply


    Eclipse 3.1 is currently not supported.
    See http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-5245.html

    Jörg Eichhorn

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