
How to modify the HTML code in test center and keep it?

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  • #326774 Reply


    I notice that you can change code in the test center and view it. But even when I save my code changes and exit out of the test center, everything goes back the way it was. Is there anyway to keep the code changes?

    Thank you,
    Nathan A. Zeh

    #326779 Reply


    If you made changes in the html files with the tools that Test Center offer or any other program that is able to do these changes, when you try to generate files again, Design Center should ask you if you want to replace the files that have been changed, can you confirm if you are getting this confirm message?

    #326784 Reply


    It’s not even asking me at all. I have the trial version, so I’m not sure if this is my problem.

    #326785 Reply


    I’ll have both screens that I’m working on open and hit the play button and go to my Test Center and go into tool -> View Source -> then the main program .html at the top of my list. Then I’ll modify the html text and hit the save button and then hit the X at the top to close the Test Center. I don’t get any kind of pop up or anything, just doesn’t save what I did in the design center.

    #326852 Reply

    Hi nzeh,

    >Then I’ll modify the html text and hit the save button and then hit the X at the top to close the Test Center. I don’t get any kind of pop up or anything, just doesn’t save what I did in the design center.
    This is what I understand, might I’m wrong, please confirm if I’m right: you’re making changes in the html and when you open again your .mobi file, the changes doesn’t see reflected. In case yes, the problem is that once you modified your saved design out of Design Center, MobiOne doesn’t interprete that changes and show you the saved version without external changes. If you try to generate files again, you’ll get the confirm dialog that I mentioned previously.

    If this is not the case, can you check if in the <design-file>-www directory exist a .<design-file>.json?

    #326898 Reply


    Ok, their was a box that comes up. Where you have to check the box for the file you want to over write. The thing i’ve notice, you can keep the html edits. But if you want to do any editing on the Design Center, you have to wipe out all the html that you did. Unless anyone knows of a way to get around this?

    #326953 Reply

    Hi nzeh,

    A workaround is is ussing the append function of jquery.

    See the next post to see an example: http://www.genuitec.com/support-genuitec/viewtopic.php?p=6321#p6321

    jQuery API – .append()

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