- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 10 months ago by
hi dear
I tried to open a newly created jsp file to open for a design mode but not showing neither the palette nor the components
also the help in this IDE not good all it shows release notes so strange
can you tell me how to add an image here or attachment
You can add an attachment using the ‘Add an Attachment’ button while posting a reply.
Here is the screenshot for your reference :
Please right click on the jsp file in the MyEclipse Explorer view, select ‘Open With’ > MyEclipse Visual Designer. Once the jsp is opened, please switch to the ‘Design’ tab to see the Palette icon. Click on the icon to view the Palette. Here is the screenshot for your reference :
To access the latest tutorials for MyEclipse 2015, please go to Help > MyEclipse Learning Center.
If you are still seeing issues, please send us a screenshot to help us get a visual.
Thanks a lot anyway Mr Swapna
1 – But as for the chance of attaching, I have not checkbox of attach signature all I have just 3 of them disable html and disable BBCode and notify may be I use windows xp as I tried to see the attach signature check box in three browses google, firefox and IE non of them shows this box? So I try in future to reinstall win 7 at least.
2 – as for jsp design showing components, I had to reinstall MyEclipse 2015 and chose new workspace and it works with most features say like input text field not sown on design view but in text and as well config-faces.xml nodes link when selected and pressed it does not show properties so again it looks like win xp is not supported anymore.
Thanks really and we can be in touch at times
Firstly I am Ms Swapna.
Do you see the ‘Add Attachment’ while posting the reply? If you mouse over it, it gets highlighted. Attach signature is used to append your signature while posting a reply.
Do you see any errors logged in the ‘Error Log’ (Window > Show View > General > Error Log) when clicking on the nodes link? If yes then please share with us the error details.
While I do not think the issues you are reported as due to the OS you are working with, it is recommended you move to Windows 8.1 as Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft.