I have created a project
New > Project > Other > MyEclipse > J2EE Projects > Enterprise Application Project
Its called APIServer
I added one Web project called APIServerWeb and one EJB project called APIServerEJB.
I have various EJB’s in the EJB project and a Struts 1.1 project in the Web project. I also have a seperate project called GSHibernate. This is where i have my Hibernate classes. I have all my reference set up properly, when I code in the EJB project and reference the hibernate classes I don;t get any errors.
When I deploy however I get a APIServer.ear directory in my deploy folder but theres no EJB or Web jat in the directory. the Application.xml reference it butthere not there. Also how do i get the hibernate classes i wrote in a jar and in the EAR?
I know I can write an ant script to do all this, but this why have a deploy function in eclipse. Can anyone help me understand this?