
HOw to properly package EAR

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  • #233115 Reply

    Michael J Caughey

    I have created a project

    New > Project > Other > MyEclipse > J2EE Projects > Enterprise Application Project

    Its called APIServer

    I added one Web project called APIServerWeb and one EJB project called APIServerEJB.

    I have various EJB’s in the EJB project and a Struts 1.1 project in the Web project. I also have a seperate project called GSHibernate. This is where i have my Hibernate classes. I have all my reference set up properly, when I code in the EJB project and reference the hibernate classes I don;t get any errors.

    When I deploy however I get a APIServer.ear directory in my deploy folder but theres no EJB or Web jat in the directory. the Application.xml reference it butthere not there. Also how do i get the hibernate classes i wrote in a jar and in the EAR?

    I know I can write an ant script to do all this, but this why have a deploy function in eclipse. Can anyone help me understand this?


    #233121 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Is the hibernate project used by the web project?

    Also, please define explicitly what you mean by “I have all my references set up properly”, you can’t imagine how important tiny details are sometimes. Please tell us exactly how (for each project) you have setup the references and build paths project references.

    Also what are your deployments setting set to do: Window > Prefs > MyEclipse > J2EE PRojects > Web Project > Deployment

    #233148 Reply

    Michael J Caughey

    It was an Ear. I got it working. I believe it was the selection of Jar Dependant Java projects.


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