
How to remove unused import stmts from all files in project

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  • #241708 Reply

    Myeclipse has the option to remove unused imports from the source code by right clicking on the specific file and source -> organize imports. This works fine, but our requirement is how to remove the unwanted import from all the files in the project at a single click of a button?
    Myeclipse shows the un-used variables, but is there any way to remove the un-used variables similar to removing unused imports?

    Since we have 100’s of file doing this manually is a painful process.

    Your help is highly appreciated.


    #241742 Reply


    I believe you can accomplish this by right-clicking the toplevel source folder for your project, and selection Source > Organize Imports. That will go through and straighten up all imports by removing unused ones and also expanding out all java.util.* to individual imports.

    #241761 Reply

    Thanks for your quick turnaround. This is the one thing I really like with MyEclipse. You guys are responding very fast to user queries. Kudos to MyEclipse team. Myeclipse shows the un-used variables. But this has to be deleted manually. Is there any way to remove the un-used variables similar to removing unused imports that MyEclipse has?


    #241762 Reply


    I don’t know of a way to remove un-unsed variables, but you can turn those warnings off. Go to Windows > Preferences > Java > Compiler > Errors/Warnings > Unnecessary Code > Unused local or private members Set the combo to ignore. FYI, this causes a full rebuild of all of your projects to remove the warnings.

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