
How to restore Classic, deactivate Darkest Dark

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  • #544349 Reply


    I started Eclipse Oxygen (with Webclipse installed) and was plunged into Darkest Dark, with no notice or choice on my part. I aborted and restarted, and saw a notice about “click to bypass DD and start in classic”, but it didn’t work; I seem to be stuck in DD, which is maddening.

    It was obviously designed by 20 and 30-somethings who grew up with video games and smart phones and can’t imagine the tastes of anyone who didn’t. It is a disaster from a UI standpoint, violates all guidelines: far less light reaches the eye, contrast is inferior, is much harder to read. Why Genuitec puts such resources into DD is incomprehensible.

    I fell into the DD hole once before, discussed it here or somewhere, and escaped, imagining these problems were over, but not. The existence of a menu item to “report theme problems” should give anyone pause.

    How do I restore Classic? I am probably not the only person with this problem, but the forum server is so underpowered (the forum isn’t taken seriously) that it’s hard to retrieve and search on earlier discussion.

    Curmudgeonly yours,

    #544350 Reply


    No “theme” setting under Preferences–General–Appearance. Surely DD hasn’t removed it entirely?

    #544351 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    @hfcangular, Sorry for the inconveniences caused. “Use classic” option not working sounds like an error (and it was not intentional). Could you please verify if there’s any error in your workspace’s error log and your configuration log as well?

    You can also try going to a classic theme by going to Appearance page and selecting “light” as theme.

    Darkest Dark has rapidly became the most favorited plugin in the marketplace and we have been received awesome feedback from users so we decided to spend resources to make it even better by adding new experiences to modernize Eclipse, we Even included new Light themes for those (like you) who don’t like dark UI.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Aaron Lara.
    #544352 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Sorry, I missed your last message. Not seeing the theme option there is not intentional and it’s also an indicative that something went bad. Could you please check and/or share your error logs?

    Aaron Lara

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Aaron Lara.
    #544355 Reply


    Thank you for your prompt response Aaron. where are the logs? There’s only a setup.log in the Eclipse Oxy directories, last change July 17.

    #544356 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    In Eclipse Installation directory under “configuration” folder you will find a .log file. The other that is interesting is the one in your workspace directory under .metadata. It’s a file called .log

    #544357 Reply


    Never mind, the theme setting is there, it’s not visible until you click on Appearance a *second* time. I thought Apperance was fully expanded when I first clicked on it. I restored classic.

    #544359 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Glad to know you are up and going. Apologies for the inconveniences caused.

    Regarding “use classic” not working in startup options, if you happen to find any error in the logs it would be really helpful for us to solve this issue in the future.

    Aaron Lara

    #544361 Reply


    You might want to make the “theme” option appear directly under Appearance, with the other two options, rather than making it dependent on a second click. It’s easy to see what I mean. First click on Appearance shows “colors and fonts” and “label declarations.” Each is a separate page. Only by clicking on Appearance again do you see the Theme page. Surely it should be as visible as the other options?

    #544362 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Could you please share a Screenshot for when you click “Appearance” first time (the item itself and not the expand triangle) ? The expected behavior is that it should show the Appearance page right away where theme options are displayed.

    Additionally, could you also let me know your OS and Arch?

    Aaron Lara

    #544365 Reply


    The attachment has 2 shots, one after the Appearance node has been expanded, showing 2 children, without theme. Second is after the Appearance label itself is clicked, finally showing the theme options. This is quite obscure and misleading

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    #544368 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    Could you review your attachment? The .zip looks like it doesn’t contain any screenshot. you can try just sharing the file without compressing.

    Could you also please share which OS you use? (Linux, Windows, Mac) And architecture (32b, 64b)

    #544372 Reply


    The attachment has a .rtf file in in containing 2 images. It opens with MS Wordpad. Are you on Nix? I suppose I can save the images from the .rtf and zip them that way.

    It seems the practice of hiding one child under the label itself, as opposed to having all children under the expanded node, is common in the Eclipse config, as clicking around shows.

    This followed a long philosophical discussion about the precedence of a “sibling” of a directly highlit label, over the ordinary “children” of the expanded node of the label. Those who find such logic more complex than helpful fail to find the “sibling”. This was the Eclipse team, not Genuitec.

    #544373 Reply


    This file has 2 .pngs, AppearanceNode and AppearanceLabel. This is easier to test in the General-Appearances than it is to save and post as screen shots. It is common practice in Eclipse config, apparently, as I noted, an unhelpful practice in my view.

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    #544375 Reply


    Version: Oxygen Release (4.7.0)
    Build id: 20170620-1800

    MS Win 7 Pro

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