
How to upgrade without losing settings?

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  • #230182 Reply


    I’m currently using Eclipse 3.1M6 and the corresponding MyEclipse 3.8.4. Now that Eclipse 3.1M7 is out I would like to upgrade both Eclipse and MyEclipse to the latest versions of each. After doing so I would like to avoid having to change various configuration settings from the default values to the settings that I’m currently using. This is assuming that a fresh install of the latest versions of Eclipse and MyEclipse would overwrite my current settings (editor and formatting preferences, etc.) which may or may not be the case.

    Can someone tell me which files contain my various configuration settings? I assume that I can just save these files someplace outside of the C:/eclipse filesystem, then update Eclipse and MyEclipse, and then replace the settings specific files and I’ll be back to the same configuration as before, only with newer versions of Eclipse and MyEclipse. If this isn’t the case or if there is an easier way to go about it then someone please clue me in.

    BTW I have tried doing an update using the advice mentioned here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=FAQ&file=index&myfaq=yes&id_cat=5&categories=Installation+and+Updates&parent_id=4#388
    but no updates were found or installed. Perhaps I need to set the update site URLs, or maybe these updates aren’t considered true updates since it’s only a milestone release and not a actual version number increment.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


    #230226 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Updates of betas and milestone releases are not available over the update manager from either MyEclipse or Eclipse.

    Secondly, I honestly wouldn’t encourage you to go through all the trouble upgrading to M7, as there is a JSP validation bug in our beta (doesn’t show errors) and as far as I can tell, nothing truely fantastic happened in that release. I would suggest either hold out for 3.1 stable or stay where you are if everything is work.

    If you DO need to upgrade for whatever reason, you can export your preferences using teh Export button on the bottom of the preferences Window, also keep in mind that your formatter settings and code templates are exported individually, you must navigate to those preferences and use their export mechanism.

    As far as MyEclipse is concerened, all of it’s preferences will be correctly exported for you, and the rest of the MyEclipse information is stored in your project in the “dot” files, so you should be fine.

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