
How to use Enhanced Oracle Connector? [Closed]

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  • #236066 Reply

    Hi, can’t seem to find any documentation on how to use this new pro feature…

    I’ve got the DB Browser open and I’ve connected to my Oracle DB, but I just see SYNONYM, TABLE & VIEW underneath the schema name

    how would I access the new features like pl/sql and sequences etc?

    I’ve just installed eclipse 3.1 and myeclipse 4, but pointing at the same workspace that I used for 3.0.2 and 3.8 … is there some installation step that I next to take?


    #236072 Reply

    I’ve looked under window->preferences->general->capabilities->advanced->MyEclipse Professional Tools

    and the extended oracle database support is checked

    #236683 Reply

    bump, can’t see extra oracle bits still

    #236692 Reply

    Riyad Kalla
    #236700 Reply

    oh no its not..

    sorry, I’m connecting to my oracle database, I can only see SYNONYMS, TABLES, and VIEWS underneath my schema name..

    #236705 Reply

    Okay, I’ve tried updating the jdbc drivers as before I was using the oracle 8 drivers to connect to a oracle 9 database. Hasn’t made a difference (well it did open the connection a lot quicker!)

    #236709 Reply

    do you have to use the oci driver??

    #236711 Reply

    nothing in the ${workspace}/.metadata/.log to indicate any errors

    #236714 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    The extended oracle support allows you to Edit your Views, Functions, Stored Procedures, Packages etc.
    You will not see additional nodes appear when you open up your schema, but you will see additional options when you bring up the context menu for those VIEW, TABLE, PACKAGE, etc. nodes (right click to bring up the context menu).
    To see the difference, turn off the oracle features in Capabilies and observe the context menu items.

    I see this wasn’t covered in the New and Noteworth or in our documentation either, sorry about that.

    Please let us know if you need any further assistance using the enhanced features.


    #236715 Reply

    sorry brian, I am expecting to see some new nodes like SEQUENCE and PACKAGE but I am still just seeing the SYNONYM, TABLE & VIEW nodes as I was previously to upgrading to eclipse 3.1 & myeclipse 4.0

    so perhaps the real question is, why can’t I see more nodes?

    thanks for your continued support

    #236717 Reply

    are there some filters that I might have set? I’m trying reading all of the database meta data, as that wasn’t set in the options..

    #236718 Reply

    nope, didn’t do the trick

    #236719 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Thank you for clarifying that. The presence of SEQUENCE and PACKAGE nodes has nothing to do with the enhanced Oracle features, they should appear even if you have the Oracle features turned off.

    Did this work for you in 3.8.4 and Eclipse 3.0.2?

    Which driver (specific details) are you using to connect to Oracle, I’m using the Thin driver here and I see the the SEQUENCE and PACKAGE nodes.

    Re: Filters, no we don’t have filters at that level right now, we only allow you to select a subset of the schemas that are displayed.


    #236748 Reply



    I had the same problem — it doesn’t appear to work if you tell it to “Display default schema only”. Try editing the database profile, then click next and select either “Display all schemas” or “Display selected schema” (And select the one you want to work with). Close the connection and reopen. Now those extra nodes should appear.


    #236754 Reply

    Hey presto! I’ve got the extra nodes!

    I didn’t realise it, but yes they were missing from when I was using eclipse 3.0.2 & myeclipse 3.8.*

    Thanks Greg, I did exactly as you said. I opened my db connection, rclick’d on the database, edited it, selected the “Display the selected schemas”, and added the schema I wanted (preferable to choosing “Display all schemas” as this can take a while to download all the information)

    Now when I open up the schema, I get the following additional nodes:


    thanks everybody for their help.

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