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  • #321497 Reply

    Greg Soulsby

    Not sure where I saw that HTML 5 support was in v10? When I create new html page or jsp within v10 it is still showing as the same old version e.g. XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

    So where are we up to with HTML 5?


    #321502 Reply


    Hi P0rridge,

    When you create a new HTML page there is an option on the wizard to select the HTML 5 Doctype. That wizard can remember any old selections so if you’ve used the wizard before it may be defaulting to your prior selection.

    There are two New HTML file wizards:
    – For the one titled “HTML (Advanced Templates)” there is a Doctype dropdown on the first page of the wizard.
    – For the one titled “HTML (Basic Templates)” there is a selection list on the “Select HTML Template” page of the wizard.

    In either case, if you pick HTML 5, you should get a <!DOCTYPE html> tag at the top of the file and you should be able to use the HTML 5 syntax.

    I don’t see HTML 5 as an option on the JSP wizard and no XHTML 1.1 option on the XHTML wizard. Those wizards are provided by the core MyEclipse Pro functionality so are not ME4S Specific. I’ll pose the question to the Pro product management team but wanted to at least get this response out to you until I hear from them.

    Also, I have verified that at least for the JSP page, you can use the <!DOCTYPE html> tag in place of the <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC….> tag and then use the HTML 5 syntax. Sorry, but that looks like a manual step for the moment.

    #321506 Reply

    Greg Soulsby

    Thanks again for the comprehensive reply, it really helps.

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