- This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 5 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
Erling MoldeMemberI’m having a problem with the Design-mode when I use scandinavian characters (like æ, ø and å). They are incorrectly translated when I switch from source to design mode.
An example:
<P>Vi drar nytte av muligheten for å kjøre "auto deployment" under Tomcat 5.0.x. Dette gjør det enklere å installere ny versjon av applikasjonen.</P> <H1>Notater for Lokal Tjenestekatalog</H1> <P>Ærlig talt, hva skal jeg gjøre?</P>
If I go to design-mode, edit, and then go back to source-mode, I get this:
<P>Vi drar nytte av muligheten for å «jø²¥ ¢auto deployment" under Tomcat 5.0.x. Dette gjø² ¤¥t enklere å ©nstallere ny versjon av applikasjonen.</P> <H1>Notater for Lokal Tjenestekatalog</H1> <P>Ʋlig talt, hva skal jeg gjø²¥¿¼/P></P>
Comments? Suggestions? Fixes? Anyone?
Riyad KallaMemberI could not reproduce this.
Can you please post all the information we request in the [URL=http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-393.html]Posting Guidelines[/URL] thread at the top of this forum? That will give us some context so that we can determine if this is an installation issue, a configuration problem, or a bug. Thanks.
Erling MoldeMemberOS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1.0
Eclipse version: 3.1.0
Build id: 200409240800
(Eclipse 3.1 M2)Fresh installation, MyEclipse 3.8.2 manual install, no other plugins installed
org.eclipse.pde.* count: 7
java.version=1.4.2_04 (also for app.server)
App.server: Tomcat 5.0.28
I start Eclipse using this commandline:
C:\Eclipse31M2\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xmx512m -Duser.language=no -Duser.country=NO -Duser.name=ErlingI’ve also tried it on this, with the same result:
Eclipse version: 3.0.1
Build id: 200409161125
Also a fresh installation, of Eclipse as well as MyEclipse
MyEclipse version: 3.8.2 (manual install)
Eclipse started using this commandline:
C:\Eclipse301\eclipse\eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xmx512m
(Default values for system properties, resulting in:
)There’s nothing relevant in the .log about this that I can see.
(A zipped copy is available here: http://www.infored.no/erling/log.zip)
Other background info, if needed:
3.1M2 configuration details
3.0.1 configuration detailsHope this helps. Regards.
Erling MoldeMemberI saw in another topic that you don’t like (support) Eclipse 3.1 (yet), so I’ve tried some more using 3.0.1/ME3.8.2.
This is what I do:- create new HTML using wizard
- switch to design view
- add some text, including special characters
- switch to source view: everything looks good
<HEAD> <TITLE>MyHtml.html</TITLE> <META http-equiv="keywords" content="keyword1,keyword2,keyword3"> <META http-equiv="description" content="this is my page"> <!--<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./styles.css">--> </HEAD> <BODY> <P>This is my HTML page. <BR> Oh! Happy days!!</P> <P>Still happy?<BR> æ<BR> ø<BR> å<BR> Æ<BR> Ø<BR> Å<BR> £<BR> ¤</P> <P>End of happiness?</P> </BODY>
- switch to design view: special characters garbled
- switch to source view: still looks good
- switch to design view: add some more special characters
- switch to source view: old text garbled, new text ok
<HEAD> <TITLE>MyHtml.html</TITLE> <META http-equiv="keywords" content="keyword1,keyword2,keyword3"> <META http-equiv="description" content="this is my page"> <!--<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./styles.css">--> </HEAD> <BODY> <P>This is my HTML page. <BR> Oh! Happy days!!</P> <P>Still happy? <BR> 漂R> ø¼‚’¾ 异R> ƼBR> ؼBR> żBR> £ <BR> ¤</P> <P>End of happiness?<BR> æ<BR> ø<BR> å<BR> Æ<BR> Ø<BR> Å<BR> £<BR> ¤</P> </BODY>
- switch to design view: old text even more garbled, new text also garbled
Hope this is useful. Thanks.
Riyad KallaMemberErling,
Can you remove all the -D vars from your command line used to start Eclipse that specify a locale or sorts, and see what happens? What is your default Editor locale set to? What is your default system locale? -