
HTML Editor Performance Problem

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  • #213657 Reply


    I just updated to 3.8.1. Before I updated, I updated Eclipse to 3.0. After the MyEclipseIde update, I added the quickfix (“second quickfix” from this forum). The updates seem to have gone fine.

    I am experiencing problems editing an html file in the source view. Whenever I make changes, my machine bogs down until the whole system is unresponsive. After a few minutes (2 or so), things come back to normal and I can edit some more. I am running Windows XP Pro with an Intel 3.0 ghz processor and a gig of memory.

    When this first started, I had the outline view up. When I looked at background tasks, I could see “Updating Outline” was in the list tens of times. Once I got control again, I closed the outline view and restarted Eclipse. Now I don’t see the background tasks, but I continue to have the performance problem.

    Is there anything I can do for relief from this?


    #213658 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I have asked the dev working on this tool to respond. Mostly likely the bogging down is comming from the editor as we are experiencing this as well in other of the editors…

    #213709 Reply

    John Sawers

    I am seeing this as well. Changes in JSP files eat up the processor with “updating outline” background tasks, after a bunch of quick edits, sometimes 10 of them simultaneously. During that time, the CPU is pegged and cut/copy/paste is unavailable in the editor.

    MacOS X 10.3.3, 1.5 GHz G4, 1gb RAM

    #213714 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Interesting, I’ll pass this along guys, thanks.

    #213809 Reply


    Is it all html files or just particular ones? The “Updating Outline” shouldn’t be listed 10 times in the jobs list so there could be a problem with the html source that is making the outline run incorrectly. If it is just one particular html file, please post an example html source here so we can try to replicate.

    We are beginning the task of profiling the editors so we should be able to improve their performance in upcoming releases.

    #213945 Reply


    Actually, I grabbed an existing HTML page on the client’s site and was making a mockup of new functionality. I wasn’t worried about the validation errors at all and was ignoring them. That may very well be part of the problem. I will clean up the errors and see if it makes a difference.


    #213981 Reply


    A very interesting situation has developed. I can clean up all of my errors and warnings in the html file. When I go into the designer and make a change, it puts many changes that generate warnings and cause the performance problem.

    I cleaned up an html file then copied the source to a new file in the project. The designer had the same effect. The designer would change anchor tags from <a to <A, generating a warning. Closing slashes would disappear from <img tags and the tags would also get set to <IMG.

    Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to recreate this problem with a page that I can send you. I’ll keep trying when I get more time.

    #213982 Reply



    I am able to easily clean up these warnings by right-clicking in the html file and selecting “Cleanup Document”. That is a great feature!

    #213985 Reply


    Good deal. We will be continuing to improve HTML validation in the upcoming releases.

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