
HTML/JSP Split View and designer[closed]

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  • #235199 Reply

    Chuck Deal

    Is there a way to turn off these features? I have never really had good success with the designer page for my JSPs. I always have errors because my javascript and CSS files are specified using a scriptlet variable in their path.

    But, now there is an extra delay loading my pages for a feature that I don’t want to use. It would be a nice feature to be able to turn OFF the split view, designer, and preview panes of the HTML and JSP source editors. It might save me some memory if they weren’t present as well.


    Chuck Deal

    #235212 Reply


    We realized that some users will prefer the straight source editors for various reasons. So you can use the previous HTML and JSP source editors by right clicking the file you wish to edit and select “Open With > MyEclipse ‘Classic’ HTML Editor” for HTML and “Open With > MyEclipse ‘Classic’ JSP Editor”.

    #235313 Reply

    Chuck Deal

    Excellent. Thanks

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