
HTML Syntax Coloring bug/caveat

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  • #233125 Reply


    I want to reconfigure the syntax coloring to a scheme using black as the background. (a la vector displays)

    There is one part of the XML/HTML syntax that, as far as I can tell, cannot be configured and is always black.

    That is the equals sign assignment operator.
    For example:
    <a href=”machines/binaryRing/”>
    the eighth character, ‘=’ will always be black. There is no apparent way to change this.

    Under Preferences -> MyEclipse -> Editors -> HTML -> HTML Styles you can see an example & select it. There is no name associated with it in the list above & the values cannot be changed because the editors do not open. The same is true in the XML section.

    I am configuring the background color through the Common Editor Preferences. There is no setting for default text color. So as a temporary workaround I’ve just set it to a dark gray. Upon doing this & going through all the editor panels again I see that there are parts of the DTD colorer that are not configurable either – and they are more extensive.

    Is there a way to set a default color for text not being colored otherwise?

    This is potentially a bug because if you can’t change the default text color from black, then the background color shouldn’t be able to be configured to make it invisible.

    I realize that GUI based programs grew out of DTP applications, so page-white backgrounds are ubiquitous – but those old green & amber vector displays were designed so you could sit in front of them for hours – and I do, every day.

    Here’s my platform details:
    Version: 3.8.4
    Build id: 200501171200-3.8.4
    Version: 3.0.2
    Build id: 200503110845

    Thank you,

    – Gregor

    #233143 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This has been discussed at quite a bit of lenght and will be addressed in 4.0, sorry for the trouble.

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