
HTML visual editor on any html file [Closed]

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  • #214834 Reply


    I have a tapestry web application configured with the spindle plugin using eclipse 3 spindle 3.1.9 and the latest ME so in my tapestry web application i have switched the editor of .html to the ME one and was wondering if the visual designer should be enabled or does it only work for ME web enabled applications, as i have code and preview tabs



    im running on MacOS X 10.3.5 with the latest java from apple,

    by the way i’ve just created a ME enabled webapp and there is still no visual designer on the html page,
    is there something im missing ?

    #214837 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Ahh I just saw your update there, the designer is Windows only for the time being, we will be rolling out a cross-platform designer hopefully in the next big release or two.

    #214841 Reply


    yeh sorry just read the feature description just now 🙂 , i hope for a cross release of the designer as this would make me subscribe even thou its looking likely i will thou 🙂 just got to go throu all features , but all together it looks good and coming from a JBuilder environment the cost is lower and the features are higher which always makes good sense

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