
Hubernate syncronization

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  3. Database Tools (DB Explorer, Hibernate, etc.)
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  • #220970 Reply

    Marcio Lima

    Is that possible to syncronize a DB table with a hibernate class already created? I have a class and i need to include one more column to it so i have to update the POJO class and the hbm file. There are any function to automate this task for me?


    #220993 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you generate Hibernate classes from your database in MyEclipse, it will generate base Abstract classes for you that will be overwritten each time and concrete implementation classes that you can add any custom code to. If you were to synchronize now, your POJO would most likely be replaced by generated classes from MyEclipse that you could then build on, safely regenerating when any changes came along as long as you put your custom code in the concrete impl class and not the base abstract class. We don’t currently support partially synchronizing existing classes or the like.

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