
Hypersonic JDBC driver

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  • #223360 Reply



    Just a quick question about configuring JDBC connections. I’ve just installed myeclipse 3.8.3 and JBoss 4.01 and ive sucessfully worked my way through the getting started tuts but have hit a snag at the dbase section. For a start im pretty sure that the JBoss package came with hypersonic but i have no idea which driver to select in the preferences list. Does hypersonic start automatically with JBoss?

    Can anyone help?


    P.S the tut is here

    #223363 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I am not terribly farmiliar with JBoss 4, but I think you are right that HSQL starts by default when the server starts up, you need to check the JBoss docs about this. As far as connecting to it, just configure the HSQL driver correctly and treat it like any other DB. Sorry I can’t be more helpful, but I know quite a few people on the forums use HSQL, just make sure you are using the latest release along with the driver otherwise there is some flakiness with the DB metadata displaying correctly.

    #245628 Reply


    If you start a new version of jboss in the standard mode, i.e. run.sh then in the deploy directory jboss-x.x.x/server/default/deploy you will find a file called hsqldb-ds.xml. At the bottom of this file there is a mbean definintion for the database on a local port.

     <mbean code="org.jboss.jdbc.HypersonicDatabase" 
         <attribute name="Port">1701</attribute>
         <attribute name="Silent">true</attribute>
         <attribute name="Database">default</attribute>
         <attribute name="Trace">false</attribute>
         <attribute name="No_system_exit">true</attribute>

    Uncomment this definition and restart jboss.

    This will open a port that clients can connect to.

    NB* Make sure that the driver for HSQLDB is the one that is in server/default/lib typically hsqldb.jar, if you use a different version you will get connection problems.

    When creating the db connection info use:


    and username sa with a blank password.


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