
I am unable to see values of local vairable variables

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  • #266697 Reply


    HI Friends,

    I am Unable to see the values of the local variables in the .java files.
    I checked the window>Reset Perspective.
    I have all the .class files as well as i have the .java files also.
    Previously i got the values but suddenly it is not showing the values of the variables.It is giving<variable-name> “Cannot be resolved” for all the variables.

    T. Shankar Reddy

    #266700 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

    #266768 Reply


    Hi Riyad,

    I am not able to understand your reply…Could you please give me the clear picture

    T.Shankar Reddy

    #266790 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    My guess is that you build the class files (compiled the source files) without the debugging information turned on. How are you building the class files? Using Ant, or an Eclipse project?

    #266826 Reply


    Hi Riyad,

    Already compiled code i am takeing into eclipse (That is importing in to eclipse as a java project).Then i am pointing this project for debugging mode,Then i am starting the server ,Now i am able to see the debugg cursor but i am unable to see the values of the variables which are available in flow.

    In Eclipse i am not doing ant or some other..I am using this for debugging.Is it possible?

    T. Shankar Reddy

    #266840 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you are just using existing class files, then the problem is that they were compiled without debugging information. You said you have the source files, I would suggest you recompile them with debugging information turned on if you need to be able to debug that code.

    #267367 Reply


    Hi Friends,

    I am unable to debug all the java files..I don’t have the build.xml file , Individual compiling all the .java files (Nearly it is more than 700) is not possible..For that reason i am asking again how to debug already compiled .class files(we have source files) files.Could you please tell me

    T.Shankar Reddy

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