
I Want save recorded video to default video album

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  • #352447 Reply


    How to add a video camera to the application
    I am designing the application depends on the video camera that records video and then view the clip that was recorded by Mobione program but do not know how to add the camera.

    Pls Help me Urgent


    #352448 Reply


    To capture video you will need to use the PhoneGap API. More info can be found on their documentation site here:

    #352450 Reply


    sorry.. whats the PhoneGap how can I use it with mobione ? and how can i import code to mobione do you have any vedio ?

    I need creat buttone to CaptureVideo

    thank u very mutch


    #352452 Reply


    PhoneGap is an API that allows you to access device features, like capturing video. It must be implemented in Javascript so some Javascript knowledge is helpful. If you are not familiar with adding custom code to a Mobione project I would suggest you start with the Learning Center:


    To get a better grasp on what files are used with Mobione see this page:

    #352458 Reply


    Thank you very much
    now I understand the idea of ​​PhoneGap is an relevant API and benefited greatly from the example of the vibration.

    but is there a custom code for the camera, such as vibration Code “press a button to record video, then press another button to review this clip , can you give me the code .. I have limited knowledge of the language of HTML and JavaScript languages.

    Thank you for your answer


    #352489 Reply


    Sorry about the delay, we don’t usually work over the weekend.

    The PhoneGap API that Mobione apps are built on provides some basic services for uploading files to to a url. You can read more about the File API here: http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.9.0/cordova_file_file.md.html#File

    The capture video API is here: http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.9.0/cordova_media_capture_capture.md.html#capture.captureVideo
    They do have a full example but will take some coding to get it working, this will require a PHP script for uploading to a URL as well.

    App to app sharing will depend a lot upon the app’s API and is out of the scope of our support range. If you run into specific problems you are welcome to post them here to see if we can help you find a solution, but we don’t have the resources to do fully working examples of third party services.


    #352494 Reply



    The main problem I installed codes for recording video, but not working .. I attached my project file pleas can u you look at it and help me.. thank you.. sorry for the inconvenience

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    #352496 Reply

    Looking at your sample you are missing some vital code. Try placing the following code inside your custom javascript file, note that I have tested this on Android, it is right from the PhoneGap docs:

    function captureSuccess(mediaFiles) {
            var i, len;
            for (i = 0, len = mediaFiles.length; i < len; i += 1) {
               alert('upload would go here');
        // Called if something bad happens.
        function captureError(error) {
            var msg = 'An error occurred during capture: ' + error.code;
            navigator.notification.alert(msg, null, 'Uh oh!');

    These are your success and error functions.

    In the actual button’s On Click run javascript place this:

    navigator.device.capture.captureVideo(captureSuccess, captureError, {limit: 1});

    This should allow you to open the camera and record video. After the video it should have a popup alert.

    #352497 Reply


    Thanks for the important information that told me it .. I put codes in places specified project Can you check if it was true .. once again thank you very much for the quick of response .. I hope to see attachments

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    #352501 Reply

    Did a quick look and it looks good from what I can see.

    #352502 Reply


    Thank you for your wonderful help.

    #352504 Reply


    thank u very much

    #352509 Reply


    thank u very much pls can u tell me how can I play the video recoded by another play button in same screen .

    whats code for do this . pls look to attach project file .

    thank u very much

    pls help me

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    #352520 Reply

    Hi belal,

    Actually saving and replaying the file will require a lot more code and is out of the scope of our support. My suggestion is to look at the sample provided on the PhoneGap docs to upload it to your server or look into the File API to save it to your device and recall it from there. You can also check the Examples/How to forum to see if any one has a video sample shared.


    #352621 Reply



    I bulid my app on Iphon Its good . but I have small problem when I press on button to call video cam this is done and start record but not save I cant see any buttone for save when i finshed the record apper 2 buttons one for retake and other for use this video but i cant save it on Iphon Why?

    thank u


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