
I want to use AXIS 1.4

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  • #268676 Reply

    😕 Hey,

    i want to create web services with axis 1.4 with myEclipse Version Version: 5.1.1 GA
    Build id: 20070302-5.1.1-GA. But every time i try to create a new web service he use the axis.lib in the version 1.3. I have tried to set the AXIS_LIB-Variable in the build path. But myEclipse dont care. I have seen that myEclipse copied the jar-Librarys in the WebAppLibrarys
    directory and i have no way to change the axis Version.

    Your sincerely

    Peter Köhler

    #268712 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    AXIS support is provided by WTP, not MyEclipse. MyEclipse’s WS implementation is based exclusively on the XFire framework.

    #268738 Reply


    maybe you can give me a hint how i can use a newer version of axis.



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