
import existing command-line ant J2EE project to MyEclipse?

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  • #228940 Reply


    I have an existing J2EE project with multiple linked directories and ant build.xml files (with all of the XDoclet and Javadoc settings), and a directory structure that needs to remain fixed. JBoss is the app server.

    Is it possible to import this into MyEclipse, force the existing build via my linked build.xml files “as is”, and still run it within MyEclipse to get the ability to set breakpoints and step through my JSP and Session Bean bean code?

    It’s important for me to do this as a first step, and then go back and set up the entire project the Eclipse way.


    #228981 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    First step is to check out our docs here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-67.html

    1) Read through “Working with Web Projects” and “Enterprise Projects” and even th EJB one if you have time, maybe even do them, this will give you an idea of how MyEclipse behaves.
    2) You can try and bring your project piece by piece into MyEclipse. It is important to read those quickstarts so you understand HOW to bring your project into MYEclipse.
    3) If your project imports and you continue to use your ant script, then you can actually still do debugging by taking a look at our Remote Debugging tutorial in the Documentation section as well.

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