
Import Skyway project into MyEclipse

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  • #321069 Reply


    Coming from Skyway Builder, I need to import old Skyway project into MyEclipse 4 Spring (my Skyway licence expired).
    What is the simpliest way to do that (is there a simple way?).

    I tried to import the [MyProject]-Web project into MyEclipse and to copy jars in the WEB-INF/lib, but I still get more than 4000 errors.

    I’m afraid not to find any doc on this point. It shouldn’t be so easy…

    Thanks for your help.


    #321086 Reply


    Hi Sebastien,

    Unfortunately there is no true upgrade path from Skyway Builder to MyEclipse for Spring. Skyway Builder’s DSL is a superset of the MyEclipse for Spring DSL. The only advice I can give is to import only the generated Java code from your Skyway Builder project then develop in pure Java.

    Alternately, you could renew the Skyway Builder license.

    I’m sorry there is not a better answer.

    #321087 Reply

    Hi Cindy,

    Thanks for your quick answer.
    I understand I should import the generated code only (in fact that’s exactly what I’m trying to do). But I have a lot of library compatibility problems.


    #321088 Reply


    Is the problem that your project from Skyway Builder is using Classpath Containers and when you bring it into MyEclipse for Spring those classpath containers are not present? Therefore you have classpath errors due to missing libraries and also java validation errors due to the missing libs?

    If you view the Java Build Path (project > properties > Java Build Path > Libraries tab) does it show errors due to missing containers?

    Are you able to run Builder at all or is the expired license preventing that?

    #321089 Reply



    If you need a Builder license extension to get past these library issues, I can arrange that for you.

    #321091 Reply

    Here are the steps I follow :

    – From MyEclipse4Spring : Import existing project into worspace
    – Selection of generated part of Skyway project ([MyProject]-Web => close to 30 000 errors
    – Copy all jars from WEB-INF/lib from old Skyway project (extracted from generated war) to new WEB-INF/lib in new MyEclipse project => close to 4 000 errors

    (I have no error in my Java Build Path)

    #321092 Reply

    Skyway is installed as a plugin.
    So I can still launch it.

    #321094 Reply


    That sounds like the correct process to follow. Unfortunately at this point it’s just a matter of tracking down the individual error messages and resolving the conflicts. Hopefully it will be a matter of only a few dependencies.

    I know you’ve been using Eclipse for some time now but in general, the process would be to find a class that’s conflicting and use ctrl-shift-t (Open Type dialog) to find all instances of that class in your environment. If the class is not found then you need to add it’s jar file. If it’s found multiple times then eliminate the incorrect ones, etc.

    If you have a particular error that can’t be solved this way, then post more detail and I can attempt to help with it.

    #321199 Reply

    Glen Ihrig

    @sderenty wrote:

    Here are the steps I follow :

    – From MyEclipse4Spring : Import existing project into worspace
    – Selection of generated part of Skyway project ([MyProject]-Web => close to 30 000 errors
    – Copy all jars from WEB-INF/lib from old Skyway project (extracted from generated war) to new WEB-INF/lib in new MyEclipse project => close to 4 000 errors

    (I have no error in my Java Build Path)

    Hi sderenty,

    Since it seems that your problems are mostly related to dependencies, this may help, it has worked for me in the past with comparatively simple projects.

    1. Create a new Web Project in ME4S.
    2. Import the war file for your Skyway Builder project.
    3. If you have errors at this point, selectively remove classpath container libraries from ME4S Preferences > Java Build Path.
    4. Out side ME4S manually copy your source from the Skyway Builder project.
    5. In ME4S Refresh the project, then Project > Clean.

    This (hopefully) will create a usable project. If you want to use the Spring DSL features of ME4S, add those now, but be sure to make a back up first! If adding the DSL makes a mess of your project, My guess is that you would have to remove all of the Skyway Builder context comments from the source before applying the ME4S DSL.

    Best regards,


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