
Importing Multiple Source folder Projects

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  • #228706 Reply


    I have a need to import a project that contains three source folders (boot, JavaSource, Properties). (The partitioning of the application into these three source folders is beyond my control.) The import wizard only allows for one source folder. Is there a slick way to accomplish this import through MyEclipse or even native Eclipse?

    Or should I just accept the single source folder offered by the IDE and refactor everything into its proper home?


    #228718 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Is there a slick way to accomplish this import through MyEclipse or even native Eclipse?

    Project Properties > Java Build Path > Src > Click the add button, add your other source folders.

    Or should I just accept the single source folder offered by the IDE and refactor everything into its proper home?

    Putting things in their proper home is never a *bad* idea 😉

    #228724 Reply


    Project Properties > Java Build Path > Src > Click the add button, add your other source folders

    So, are you saying that if I create a new project and then create the source folders I know the JAR I’m importing contains (i.e., JavaSource, Boot, and Properties say) and THEN perform the Archive file import wizard, will Eclipse put the imported source into the proper source foldres?

    #228727 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    So, are you saying that if I create a new project and then create the source folders I know the JAR I’m importing contains (i.e., JavaSource, Boot, and Properties say) and THEN perform the Archive file import wizard, will Eclipse put the imported source into the proper source foldres?

    I do not know how you extracted this from what I typed above. You get points for wishful thinking though.

    #228753 Reply


    Wistful is my middle name. 🙂

    I suppose I should add a feature request to have an import wizard that built the new project based on what it found in the JAR being imported. Since I am getting a JAR that contains multiple source folders it would be nice to import *that* project structure rather than have Eclipse (MyEclipse) default to a single source folder, thus forcing me to spend time refactoring things into their proper homes.

    ** Consulting: If you aren’t part of the solution, there’s good money to be made prolonging the problem. ** 😉

    #228755 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    thus forcing me to spend time refactoring things into their proper homes.

    I am still confused by this statement, Eclipse supports multiple source folders, the directions I gave was how to add multiple source folders… just add your 3 source folders and you are done (from what I’ve gathered).

    #228830 Reply


    Yes, you are correct. Eclipse does support multiple source folders. However, it does *not* support multiple source folders when importing a JAR for the first time. In my care I am getting an application in three parts: the framework JAR, the services JAR, and the presentation JAR. Each of these JAR files contains multiple source folders. Since the Eclipse (and by inheritance the MyEclipse) import wizard only provides for *one* source folder. Once the import is completed manual intervention is required to properly setup the internal folder structure of the imported projects.

    It’d be a nice feature to either be able to tell the import wizard, “hey, this import has multiple source folders called, X, Y, and Z,” or it would be nice if the import process was smart enough to figure our the source folder structure itself.

    In the meantime, I’ll have to import into one source folder and refactor the remaining ones.

    Thanks for all your help.

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