
Improve low-resolution icons

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  • #514694 Reply


    The Icon Designer converts font icons into .png files after an icon has been composed by an author. However, especially for very small icons (e.g. 7x6px) the anti-aliasing destroys the sharpness of crispy colours. As a result they appear blurry and not very nice.

    Is it possible to add additional (render) options into the icon designer? Such as “Enable/Disable Anti-Aliasing” or a better way of scaling icons.

    #514699 Reply


    I appended two examples of what I exactly mean: there are even non-blurred icons rendered, as soon as I focus on a tab the icon gets blurred though. Also the treeview icons are blurry.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by bitbrain.
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    #515020 Reply



    Thank you for the screenshots. I have filed a report with the dev team and they are looking into it.
    We will keep you posted when we have more information about the fix.

    Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Thank you once again for raising it.

    MyEclipse Support

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