@support-scott wrote:
if you jar the project via Ant and place the jar within the EAR project, it will be automatically deployed appropriately, but you’ll still need to manually add entries into the MANIFEST.MF Class-Path so that it will be found by all the EJB and web jars that need it.
I have a project that uses some JARs of common-code that is used by both the EJBs and the WebApp.
What I’ve done; because we need to have an Ant Script to Build the project; is to put the Common-Jars on the library directory of the EAR; which is: APP-INF/lib/ and pack them together within the EAR.
The EAR classloader will look there if it doesn’t find the required class in the corresponding context (the web-app or the ejb).
It is not required to put the PATH on the Classpath; because we are putting the jar libraries within the EAR.
Just my two cents.