
Incompatible Java Compliance Level

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  • #307897 Reply


    I’m trying to build a new WebService Project and when I enter into the
    Web service project creation details I’m getting an info box opping up saying

    Incompatible Java Compliance Level
    Compiler Compliance levell of project MyProject should be 5.0. Your current Workspace default is 6.0. Do you want a custom setting for your project?

    What can I do about this?


    #307920 Reply

    You can either click “Yes” or “No” depending on the compliance level you want. If you choose “Yes” the compliance level will be 5.0 or it will default to 6.0. You can change the compliance level of your project from its properties.
    Right click on your project and go to properties > Java Compiler and set ” Compiler Compliance Level”.
    Please refer to the following links also for further reference –
    1. https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/incompatible-java-compliance-leve/
    2. https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/why-am-i-getting-this-compiler-compliance-level-error/

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