
INFO Message From Tomcat Startup

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  • #260339 Reply


    I’ve installed the following on the latest Mac OSX with Java 1.5:
    Eclipse 3.2
    MyEclipse 5.0
    Tomcat 5.5.20

    When I start up Tomcat from the green icon, it seems to start successfully, but I do get the following INFO message:

    “INFO: The Apache Tomcat Native Library which allows optimal performance in production environments was not found on the java.library.path:

    Is there something I need to configure so that Tomcat can find this Native Library?

    Also, when I terminate Tomcat using the red icon, the Server window says that
    Tomcat has stopped, but the console doesn’t show any information about the shutdown. The first time I ran Tomcat, I’m sure the console displayed various messages when I shut it down.

    How can I get the console to display shutdown information again?

    Dennis Webb

    #260381 Reply


    I happened to find the answer to the first part of my question, regarding the Native Library info message when starting up Tomcat, so I’ll post an answer here so that it will be in the forum archive.

    Doing a Google search, I found a website called JIRA Altassian, which apparently has to do with Apache-Tomcat issues. As regards the INFO message in my original posting here, it refers to possible performance increases that might be had from using a natively compiled platform-specific Apache Portable Runtime (APR) project library instead of the generic one. The Reporter for this issue concluded that any performance enhancement would only be measurable “with thousands of connections”, and so he decided to just close the issue and leave things as they are. Here is the link, if you are interested:


    -Dennis Webb

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