
Information on jspc

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  • #198628 Reply

    Son Dang


    1) What is the jspc that is being used? Is it Tomcat or something different? Can I change to a different jspc? If so, then how would I do it?

    2) Is there an option where I can view the .java file that is produced by the jspc or at least get a hold of the .class file that is produced? I guess these files are stored in the temp folder .myeclipse and immediately deleted. If this is so, is there any way for me to tell the script not the delete these files.



    #198633 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    1) What is the jspc that is being used? Is it Tomcat or something different? Can I change to a different jspc? If so, then how would I do it?

    The JSP compiler used to validate JSP’s is our own JSP 1.2-compliant compiler and it is optimized to work with the JSP editor. The JSP compiler used at deployment time is whichever one your server uses.

    2) Is there an option where I can view the .java file that is produced by the jspc or at least get a hold of the .class file that is produced?

    We don’t provide access to the .java or .class files because we offer source-level JSP debugging using JSR-045 in compliant servers. We’re trying to move the developer above the level of looking at generated code. It’s similar to the migration that C++ compilers went through: early ones generated C and you had to debug that and later no C generation was offered and you could debug C++ directly.

    MyEclipse Support

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