
Informix / Hibernate / IUUG / better support

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  • #313526 Reply


    the IIUG supports Hibernate + Informix with some patches.
    (IIUG = International Informix User Group).
    As far, as I understand, this are importend changes for hibernate to
    have informix hibernate access running.

    how could this patches be integrated in MyEcslipe ?
    As far as I understand MyEclipse, this should be done from your organisation.

    Readme: http://www.iiug.org/opensource/files/Hibernate_Informix_README.pdf
    Patches: http://www.iiug.org/opensource/files/hibernate-3.3.2_informix.tar.gz

    Yours Bernhard

    #313542 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    These appear to be patches to the core Hibernate library. You would need to apply these patches to Hibernate source and re-compile Hibernate (or at least inject the modified classes into the existing Hibernate JARs). Once you have a modified JAR, you can go to Window > Preferences > MyEclipse > Project Capabilities > Hibernate and replace the JAR that we ship with MyEclipse with this one.

    I’m afraid we cannot ship a specially modified version of Hibernate with MyEclipse, we would need this to arrive in a stable Hibernate build from JBoss itself.

    Hope this helps.

    #314248 Reply


    i moved now to open JPA.
    There, Informix is working, I am happy now.

    This means, I can cevome a customer of MyEclipse

    #314272 Reply



    Glad that it is working fine.
    Let us know if you have any other issues.

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