Tagged: GlassFish
- This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
I am trying to install Glassfish tool in MyEclipse and getting following error.
Because of this I am not able to open project as it says Glassfish server is not configured.Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
Software being installed: GlassFish Tools (oracle.eclipse.tools.glassfish.feature.group
Software currently installed: MyEclipse 2015 13.0.2.c0000004t201601130644 (package.2063-Axa-9367.windows.x86_64 13.0.2.c0000004t201601130644)
Only one of the following can be installed at once:
Sapphire (org.eclipse.sapphire.feature.jar
Sapphire (org.eclipse.sapphire.feature.jar
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: GlassFish Tools (oracle.eclipse.tools.glassfish.feature.group
To: org.eclipse.sapphire.feature.group [9.0.0,10.0.0)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Sapphire (org.eclipse.sapphire.feature.group
To: org.eclipse.sapphire.feature.jar []
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: MyEclipse 2015 13.0.2.c0000004t201601130644 (package.2063-Axa-9367.windows.x86_64 13.0.2.c0000004t201601130644)
To: org.eclipse.sapphire.feature.jar []Regards,
Brian FernandesModeratorSandip,
MyEclipse includes a Glassfish connector, is there any reason why you wish to install additional Glassfish tools?
Back to the actual conflict, different versions of MyEclipse use different versions of the Sapphire plugin, the version included in 2015 is too old wrt. the version required by Glassfish tools.
If you can let me know what you are trying to achieve, we’d be able to provide better guidance.
sandiptikoleParticipantHi Brian,
I am trying to import existing java project in workspace.
MyEclipse is migrating the project and giving error Cannot resolve unknown runtime GlassFish
And when I configure GlassFish 4.0 runtime, it is taking too much time and says user operation is pending.Regards,
Brian FernandesModeratorSandip,
Thanks for the explanation. Installing Glassfish tools would not help fix this issue, so you can ignore that course of action.
Is it possible for you to update to a recent MyEclipse version like 2019.4.0 which was just released? It’s quite likely that this issue has already been addressed, and if not, it will be easier for us to debug it and give you a workaround.
sandiptikoleParticipantHi Brian,
I am getting following error while running the Glassfish server
[CONFIG] LINX: Failed to load task def: /WEB-INF/tasks/xxx.xml. (Linx-460) *** was not able to create an instance of the task handler [com.***.**Task].Please alert your ***administrator to this error.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.***.***
at org.glassfish.web.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1761)
at org.glassfish.web.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1611)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:190)
at com.wildtype.linx.task.Workflow.addTask(Workflow.java:280)
at com.wildtype.linx.config.SvConfigureLinx.loadTaskDef(SvConfigureLinx.java:337)
at com.wildtype.linx.config.SvConfigureLinx.configureTaskDefsFromXMLFiles(SvConfigureLinx.java:252)
at com.wildtype.linx.config.SvConfigureLinx.initWorkflowDef(SvConfigureLinx.java:155)
at com.wildtype.linx.config.SvConfigureLinx.init(SvConfigureLinx.java:102)
at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(GenericServlet.java:244)Regards,
Sandip -