
Installing Subclipse Problem

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  • #310678 Reply



    I got my MyEclipseBlue 8.5 installed in my machine and I am trying to install Subclipse 1.4. After adding the Subclipse 1.4 into my profile for installation and when I am trying to ‘Apply Changes’, it is trying to update MyEclipseBlue 8.6 and throws an error

    “An error occurred during the com.genuitec.pulse2.client.common.download.VerifyCommonCachePhase phase.
    session context was:(profile=com.poweredbypulse.profile-0-rb-578451-1277468007021, phase=com.genuitec.pulse2.client.common.download.VerifyCommonCachePhase, operand=, action=).


    I did not check the MyEclipseBlue 8.6 for Software Updates but still it is trying to update; I don’t know why. Because of this, I am unable to install Subclipse. PLEASE HELP !!!

    #310684 Reply



    Sorry to hear you are running into this issue. Can you do the following –
    1. Open Pulse (Start > Programs > Pulse > PulseExplorer or download from http://www.poweredbypulse.com)
    2. Login to Pulse
    3. Select “Eclipse-Galileo” realm from top left hand corner dropdown
    4. Select “MyEclipse 8.5” from “My Profiles”, right click on the same and from the context menu click on [Re-install and run]

    Pulse will automatically fix any dependency issues. Let me know how this works for you.

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