
Internal Browser does not showup

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  • #228142 Reply


    I have installed myeclipseide version 3.8.5 build Id 200501171200-3.8.4 with eclipse 3.0.2 Build Id:200503110845 on Window XP with jdk 1.4.2_08
    Under Preferences I have MyEclipse->Internet Tools->Web Browser-> Internal Web Browser enabled.
    Problem is I don’t see Browser tab. Any idea how to debug/fix this or similar issues like that?

    #228143 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    What happens when you press the web browser toolbar button (looks like a little globe next to the other MyEclipse deployment / server buttons)? Also, can you please post all the information we request in the [URL=http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-393.html]Posting Guidelines[/URL] thread at the top of this forum? That will give us some context so that we can determine if this is an installation issue, a configuration problem, or a bug. Thanks.

    #228213 Reply


    OS: Window XP + SP2
    Eclipse: eclipse 3.0.2 Build Id:200503110845
    MyEclipseIDE: version 3.8.5 build Id 200501171200-3.8.4
    Installation: Clean install on eclipse and myeclipse
    count on org.eclipse.pde = 7
    jdk: 1.4.2_08
    App Server JDK: jdk1.5.0_02
    App server: tomcat 5.5.9
    logfile: workspace/.metadata is empty
    Ok, Everything works. I can deploy to server and run the application. Problem is I don’t see the internal browser tab in console window. Tabs are problems,Tasks,Properties,Console.
    If I click on the web browser tool bar I get an internal browser tab in edit area.

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