
Interrupt a build [Closed]

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  • #198950 Reply

    Milind Rao

    Is there any way to interrupt a build? There have been occasions where I have had to kill Eclipse (CVS hangs etc.). On restarting Eclipse, it does a build. This is very quick on normal Java projects. Web Projects take forever due to validation. Under normal circumstances, validation is quite fast so I don’t want to turn off validation.

    I’d like to be able to interrupt a build. Turn off validation, rebuild all projects and then turn on validation in the web projects.

    Is this possible? if not, is this something that could be added to a future release?


    #198951 Reply


    When the workbench is terminated without saving its build state then upon the next MyEclipse startup you experience this rebuild behavior on recently modified projects. The problem is that a build-on-startup does not present the usual build progressMonitor. So there is no mechamism for user cancellation of this kind of build.

    For this and similar lengthy web-project build scenarios MyEclipse includes a preference that allows JSP validation to be disabled. See Windows menu>Preferences>MyEclipse>Editors>JSP/HTML Editor for the preference.

    MyEclipse Support

    #198953 Reply

    Milind Rao

    @support wrote:

    For this and similar lengthy web-project build scenarios MyEclipse includes a preference that allows JSP validation to be disabled. See Windows menu>Preferences>MyEclipse>Editors>JSP/HTML Editor for the preference.

    I know. But I want this enabled for the good case, which is most of the time. I was just hoping that there would have been some way to interrupt a build and turn off validation or turn off validation on a restart, if there is some way of figuring out that the build is occuring due to a restart.

    Guess not.


    #198966 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    The decision on when to do a full build is really Eclipse’s. However, I believe in version 2.1.1 they added a ‘Stop’ button down on the status bar where the build progress is placed. It’s over to the right and looks like a big red square or circle (I don’t remember which). Perhaps this is what you’re looking for?

    MyEclipse Support

    #199033 Reply

    Milind Rao

    Yes. That’s exactly what I was looking for.

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