
Invalid or unreadable WAR file

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  • #293144 Reply

    This message has not been recovered.

    #293151 Reply

    Loyal Water

    This message has not been recovered.

    #293152 Reply

    This message has not been recovered.

    #293200 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Did you setup MyEclipse using the All in One installer? I’ll ask the dev team to look into this issue.

    #293220 Reply

    Yes i was using the All in One installer.
    Thanx for help.
    If this Problem can not be fixed i have to go back to myEclipse 6

    #293272 Reply

    Loyal Water

    1. If you deploy that app *packaged* to the MyEclipse Tomcat server (which is Tomcat 6) — does it work?

    2. If you use a ZIP archive application to open the WAR created by MyEclipse, does it open OK and test OK?

    #293912 Reply


    @support-nipun wrote:

    1. If you deploy that app *packaged* to the MyEclipse Tomcat server (which is Tomcat 6) — does it work?

    Yes, it works without any problems.

    @support-nipun wrote:

    2. If you use a ZIP archive application to open the WAR created by MyEclipse, does it open OK and test OK?

    Yes, i can open the war-file using 7-zip and if i rename it into zip, i can also open it with windows double click.

    This topic is a very serious problem for us.
    Currently we can’t work with myEclipse 7, we are now using myEclise 6.5 again.

    Andreas Göhl

    #299521 Reply


    @andreas.goehl wrote:


    @support-nipun wrote:

    1. If you deploy that app *packaged* to the MyEclipse Tomcat server (which is Tomcat 6) — does it work?

    Yes, it works without any problems.

    @support-nipun wrote:

    2. If you use a ZIP archive application to open the WAR created by MyEclipse, does it open OK and test OK?

    Yes, i can open the war-file using 7-zip and if i rename it into zip, i can also open it with windows double click.

    This topic is a very serious problem for us.
    Currently we canConfirmed this same exception trying to deploy a simple WAR created with MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 7.1.1-20090310, deploying to 32bit i686 Ubuntu linux JBoss Web 2.1.2.GA (Tomcat 6). The created WAR file unzips fine on Windows box, and a jar xvf on the linux box unjars the ASCII files correctly.

    Exporting the exact same simple WAR using MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 6.6.0.zmyeclipse660200810 deploys with no problem.

    #299522 Reply


    Excuse the quoting munge on previous post…

    Confirmed this same exception trying to deploy a simple WAR created with MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 7.1.1-20090310, deploying to 32bit i686 Ubuntu linux JBoss Web 2.1.2.GA (Tomcat 6). The created WAR file unzips fine on Windows box, and a jar xvf on the linux box unjars the ASCII files correctly.

    Exporting the exact same simple WAR using MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 6.6.0.zmyeclipse660200810 deploys with no problem.

    #299688 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    To make sure we are on the same page here, you’re saying the WAR created (with 7.1.1) could not be deployed to either JBoss 2.1.2 or Tomcat 6, even though it unzips just fine on both a Windows and Linux box?

    We have not been able to reproduce this issue internally, could you please try with MyEclipse 7.5 and see if the problem still exists?
    If it does, would it be possible for you create a small sample application which exhibits the problem – export it as a WAR with both 6.6 and 7.x and send the WARs to us? Please mail support@genuitec.com ATTN Brian.

    #313518 Reply


    Get the same error

    INFO: Deploying web application archive IDataAPI.war
    Jan 3, 2011 10:17:31 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig init
    SEVERE: Exception fixing docBase: {0} 
    java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file
     at java.util.zip.ZipFile.open(Native Method)
     at java.util.zip.ZipFile.<init>(ZipFile.java:114)
     at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(JarFile.java:133)
     at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(JarFile.java:70)

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