
iOS 8.0.2 and iPhone 5S issue

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  • #352255 Reply


    Hi all,

    Even if I use Mobione since 1 year, this my first post on this forum… until now all was ok …

    I’m facing an issue: Native Apps compiles by Mobione (2.6.3 up to date) crash on Iphone 5S with iOS 8.0.2
    Before the same code was ok. (Published on app store iOS & Android), but now new production of the same code does not work on iPhone 5S iOS 8.0.2 (Same config was ok in september)
    Apps is ok on iPhone4, iPhone5c and most of Android devices 2.2 and more, but not with iPhone 5S iOS 8.0.2… quite creazy … the crash if just after the splashscreen display… once again same code was ok before, but new production is not good… old production is ok !

    Am i alone to facing this issue ?

    It looks like a picture error format. All my splashScreens, icon & pictures are strictly in png and in right format width.height.
    Unfortunatly I don’t have iPhone 6 or 6 plus to test it…


    #352256 Reply


    >I’m facing an issue: Native Apps compiles by Mobione (2.6.3 up to date) crash on Iphone 5S with iOS 8.0.2

    We were testing a new update yesterday to workaround some of the recent issues in our data center. Brandon and I both observed the same issue you are reporting. We have submitted crashlogs for our dev team to investigate when they are online later today. Will post an update as soon as we have this resolved.

    #352336 Reply


    Good news ! Any idea for a target date ?

    For information, I’ve updated my iPhone 5S to iOS 8.1 today, unfortunately crash is still there…

    #352357 Reply


    I just tried the same build that failed before and its working now on my 5s with iOS 8.1 building with the Cordova 2.9.1 app center.

    Can you let me know if you are still having this issue?

    #352358 Reply


    You’re right ! New build is ok.

    Thanks a lot for support.

    #352359 Reply

    Great! Glad to hear it is working for you as well.

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