Edited by support-michael, marking this thread fixed. See latest GapDebug update https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/beta-1-of-gapdebug-2015-update-6-available-please-give-it-a-go/
Every time I try do debug an application in iOS, I get that error message and a blank screen: I can see and click in the application, but it doesn’t get to load developer tools.
I found the error by opening chrome developer tools and saw the following error:
ImageUtilities.js:221 Uncaught TypeError: document.getCSSCanvasContext is not a function
Any idea?
GapDebug version: Version 2015 Update 5 (2.1)
Chrome: Version 48.0.2564.10 dev (64-bit)
Mobile Device: iPhone 5s with iOS 9.1
Workstation: Mac book Air ( Mid 2011) with OS X Yosemite
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