
IOS7 theme Checkbox does not display – CLOSED

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  • #348555 Reply

    OS: Win7 Home Premium SP1
    MOBI: 2.6.2 (20140309)
    Apache Cordova 2.9 and iPhone 4/4S IOS: 6.3.1 and iPOD Touch IOS: 7.1

    Hello Tech Support,

    I implemented the changes suggested in the IOS7 write-up you guys did with great results.

    In the process I discovered that the checkbox widget does not display on iPhone4 running IOS 6.1.3 and iPod Touch running IOS 7.1.

    It displays OK in the web simulator.

    I have included a test program to demo it.

    See attachment CheckBoxNotDisplayed.mobi

    See attachment CheckBoxNotDisplayed.PNG See attachment Nocheckbox-IP5.PNG

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    #348590 Reply


    Please open the following ios7 themed webapp url in the browser on both devices: http://goo.gl/qAt2RB
    Do you see the checkbox & radio buttons?

    It is difficult to test on similar devices as your’s. We have had a rash of failures on our older iphone4 & 4s test devices.

    #348596 Reply

    Hi Michael,

    URL displays OK in both iPod touch and iPhone 4 in Safari browsers.

    However, my problem was with native mode apps, not webapps.

    Let me know what else I can do to help.


    #348630 Reply


    >URL displays OK in both iPod touch and iPhone 4 in Safari browsers.
    >However, my problem was with native mode apps, not webapps.

    Thanks for testing and sharing this feedback. I shared the webapp version with you for expedience. Would you please try building the attached project and test it on your devices? See attachment test-project.zip

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    #348634 Reply

    Hi Michael,

    Both iPOD Touch with IOS 7.1 and iPhone 4 with IOS 6.1.3 displayed the screens / checkbox correctly.

    And upon comparing both your program and mine I noticed the fact that while I had the checkbox*.png files loaded in the right directory, the additional project files were pointing to a different directory. But there was no error given by the fact that additional files could NOT be found in the directory specified.

    I have corrected and and tested my program and it also works correctly.

    Sorry if I have sent you guys on a wild-goose chase, but all this file manipulating is very error-prone. I have to pay much more attention to detail on next round.

    Thanks again.


    #348651 Reply

    Hi Turgut,

    That’s great! Thanks for closing the loop.

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