- This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 10 months ago by
StephenNottMembermobione 1.5
Not behind a proxy.
Build #1002396.
My app is approx 18mb and eventually managed to do an IOS build.
ipa was installed on my 4S OK and works fine.
ipa was not downloaded to my app directory on my PC after the build.Intend to use “3rd” party to submit to applestore but need ipa
on my computer to do this.
Can u advise.
StephenNottMembermobione 1.5
Not behind a proxy.
Build #1035015.
Approx 18mb and eventually, after many attempts, managed to do an IOS build.
Again ipa was installed on my 4S OK and works fine. ie as previous postAgain ipa was not downloaded to my app directory on my PC after the build.
Message was:
“Build completed successfully but was unable to download the application.
The download is available at goo.gl/……”Note that other builds ( 1040007, 1044004, 1039008 & 1046002 ) all failed…..message
was “server too busy or file too big”. ( obviously not the later as #1035015 was ok
and nothing had changed between builds ).Other question…..if using a “3rd” party for the itunes application do i need to include
the ITunes 512 x 512 image in the provisional build or is it going to be requested later
by the “3rd’ party?Yr help would be appreciated
support-michaelKeymasterThanks for sharing this additional info. This issue has been escalated to our dev team. There is a known issue with our cloud services for some very large apps that the team is developing an alternative handling strategy for. I’m curious about the size of your app. Does it contain large or numerous images or large media files (video or audio)?
Total is ~ 18mb
Contains a large number of image files, jpg & png.
Many were originally “excel” type tables which i converted to 300px wide
image files as mobione does not seem to support tables, or at least not easily as far
as i can fathom from yr faq’s.Many of the png’s had to be converted to jpg’s as otherwise yr 20mb limit would have been
far exceeded.If u have a working example of how to do “table” it would have helped me a lot
support-michaelKeymasterThanks for the quick follow up. Correct that tables are not something you see much of on mobile devices and mobione does not provide a table widget for this very reason, yet. We plan to provide an html widget that will accept custom html.
For the images, have you run them through an optimizer to reduce their size? We recommend always using image compression tools such as optipng to get images down as small as they can practically be reduced.
We will follow up once we have feedback from dev team on the planning for working with larger apps.
Ran all the images thro gimp 2, and resized all to 300px wide, keeping aspect ratio.
Tried various compression software but the png’s were a real problem, sometimes size increased !!
and just had to convert to jpg’s
I reduced the size of my app to about 14mb.
The build was ok and downloaded to my 4S ok, as previous.
However it wasn’t downloaded to my PC, as previous.
The “not downloaded” notification on my PC directs me to http://goo.gl/….
but when i paste this link into my browser Google “url Shortener” webpage advises:
“this utl has been disabled”
“may be due to spam, security or legal reasons”
Could u advise why Google are doing this or what is exact procedure
to retrieve the download or do i have to have a google account or what.
kind regards
Progress so far:
Can do iOS Provisional Build and download & install to my 4S… OKStill app does not download to my PC’s app directory.
Now however, link given to download from goo.gl/… works
but all i get is an application/octet-stream file…..just a jumble
of letters & numbers with no extension file reference.
Its size (mb) is however correct ( ~12.5mb )What to do ???