
iPhone Keyboard

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  • #346415 Reply

    OS: Win7 Home Premium SP1
    MOBI: 2.6.1 (20140109)
    Apache Cordova 2.9 and iPhone 4/4S IOS: 6.3 and iPOD IOS: 7.0.4

    Hi Guys,

    Is there a way to dismiss the displayed keyboard programmatically?

    I looked through phoneui and saw some code checking the display status of the keyboard, but did not see anything obvious.


    Should M1 dismiss the keyboard if an on screen button is pressed?

    Following scenario happens in IOS 7.0.4. It does NOT happen in IOS 6.3.

    I am not sure if it is a bug or not, but please comment on this use case:

    1. a menu selection in the MAIN program displays a mobi program to process a FORM.
    2. user fills out the form and presses SUBMIT without dismissing the keyboard.
    3. Program completes the updates and displays messages, followed by GO TO the MAIN mobi program.
    4. Visible portion of the screen above the keyboard displays the MAIN screen all scrolled up
    4. At this point the keyboard disappears and I am left with half blank screen where keyboard used to be. The MAIN screen does NOT scroll down and display in its entirety.

    I have read that while keyboard display is handled by the system on input fields, the dismissing of the keyboard is either done with the DONE button or by touching the background. In my case, it does NOT happen when SUBMIT is pressed. And I guess it also happens automatically when I switch from the FORM program to the MAIN program. However the screen integrity is compromised.

    So I am not sure if this is a bug OR I need to find a way to dismiss the keyboard right after my updates in the FORM program, but before I switch over to the MAIN program.

    What I have also noticed is that this problem only happens if I switch to a different mobi program from the FORM entry screen. If I stay in the same program, the keyboard dismissal restores the screen correctly by scrolling it down.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Pictures of the described events:
    See attachment KBD1.jpg See attachment KBD2.jpg See attachment KBD3.jpg See attachment KBD4.jpg

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    #346446 Reply

    Hi Turgut,

    This looks like a bug in the screen layout and transition code. We will initiate investigation.Could you provide an example program that demonstrates the issue to help accelerate our work?

    #346456 Reply

    Hi Octavio,

    Attaching two Test programs that work together to demonstrate the problem.

    Text field in the FORM program describes what to do.

    Select TAB “Go To FORM”
    Touch one of the fields below description and press Submit while KBD is displayed.
    You’ll observe the problem after screen transition.


    See attachment KBDMain.mobi
    See attachment KBDForm.mobi

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    #346458 Reply


    Thanks for the quick follow up. The team will be investigating when we come online in the morning.

    #346506 Reply

    Hello Support,

    Did you guys have a chance to look at the problem?

    If it is going to be a lengthy fix, is it possible to get an answer to my question re KBD hiding?


    #346514 Reply

    Hi Turgut,

    I kicked this over to the dev team. Will try to have an answer tomorrow (Thurs).

    #346577 Reply

    Hi Turgut,

    The dev team have shared next snipet to me:

      if (document && document.activeElement && ('blur' in document.activeElement)) {
       document.activeElement.blur(); // Unfocus currently active document.

    Attach it to an action’s button and keyboard should be hidden after pushing it.

    #346582 Reply

    Thanks Octavio,

    The snippet worked great.

    I hope you will let us know when the actual bug is or will be fixed.


    #346585 Reply

    Hi Turgut,

    An immediate workaround is to incorp that technique in the pretransition callback. We will investigate how best to integrate it in an update soon.

    #347945 Reply

    Hi Turgut,

    There is a 2.6.2 dev build available which contains a fix for this bug, you can download it here: http://www.genuitec.com/support-genuitec/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7007

    Feedback is really apreciated.

    #348552 Reply

    Hi Octavio;

    Sorry for delayed feedback, I had to pay attention to my paying job for about a month.

    Anyway, I got a chance to test everything today and ver 2.6.2 does NOT fix the problem.
    I have to insert the previously provided code snippet into one of my page buttons to make it work.

    Let me know if you need any additional testing.

    Thanks, Turgut

    #348586 Reply

    Hi Turgut,

    We worked on that bug for 2.6.2 and are unable to replicate it now on our test devices. We have built ios apps and ran tests using the current MobiOne 2.6.2 With both your original KDBx example and a similar test case. We tested on iphone5s and ipad air running ios7.1. And on Ipod with ios 6.1

    Can you please try building and ios app and testing with attached project. (It’d run fine on iphone even though it’s an ipad design)

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    #348595 Reply

    Hi Octavio,

    I have genned the files you have sent me and created the problem as before.
    Again, this is running on iPod Touch with IOS 7.1.
    Same program ran OK on iPhone 4 with IOS 6.1.3

    I am including screenshots showing the KBD display leaving a blank gap behind.

    Let me know how else I can help.


    PS: I want to learn the trick of running Android 6.1 on an iPod. 🙂
    See attachment photo 1.PNG See attachment photo 2.PNG
    See attachment photo 3.PNG See attachment photo 4.PNG

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    #348629 Reply

    Hi Turgut,

    I have opened a bug with the team. We don’t have an ipod/ios7.1 atm to verify with.

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