Hi Dino,
I know the support folks are busy with the 9.0 release, so maybe I can help.
You are correct that MyEclipse for Spring (ME4S) includes all of the MyEclipse Pro features, if your ME4S license is correct, you have Maven support. I am able to create a Maven project in my copy of ME4S.
To confirm that your license is correct, from the main menu open MyEclipse > Subscription Information. If you see MyEclipse for Spring and your license has not expired, then you should be OK. If you think you have a licensing problem, send an email to subscriptions@genuitec.com
I don’t work with Maven, but I have found that many of the documentation entries are out of date, and don’t match my software very closely, but the general principals are usually similar. So a mismatch between what you see in the documentation screen shots and what you see in ME4S (or ME Pro) may not be a problem.
Maven for MyEclipse has it’s own support forum at https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topics/myeclipse/maven-for-myeclipse/ you will probably get better assistance with Maven there.