
Is the HTML Visual Editor compatible with XHTML?

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  • #233141 Reply


    I need visual editor of XHTML based on eclipse. As I see, the FCKeditor is compatible with XHTML 1.0. And the WYSIWYG HTML editor of MyEclipse is based on FCKeditor. Is it compatible with XHTML as FCKeditor?

    #233142 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Our new editor is a complete new design, on par with Dreamweaver. It will initially not support XHTML but we will address that soon enough.

    #233146 Reply


    Thank you for your response! But when I open the plugin of “com.genuitec.eclipse.webdesigner_3.9.210”, I get the folder of fck. And when I insert a form field into my HTML page in design mode, it works as FCKeditor. FCKeditor supports XHTML 1.0. So I think WYSIWYG HTML editor of MyEclipse could be also compatible with XHTML. I can not understand “Our new editor is a complete new design”.

    #233156 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    “Our new editor is a complete new design”

    It will be included in 4.0 Milestone 3

    #234244 Reply


    FCKeditor 2.0 has been released! And the new toolbar command, “Document Properties” is available to edit document header info, title, colors, background, etc… But the FCKeditor in MyEclipse Visual HTML Designer is 1.6. Could you tell me when the edition of FCKeditor in MyEclipse will be updated?

    #234245 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It won’t be, the designer comming in M3 is completely new and offers a whole slew of new functionality.

    #234335 Reply


    Do you mean MyEclipse will abandon FCKEditor in M3? You know, FCKEditor is the sixth most active project in SourceForge now. Where can I get more information about the completely new designer of MyEclipse M3? Thank you!

    #234338 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    FCK is a fanastic project, but it doesn’t suite our needs or give us the power we need to implement a truely flexible designer to support HTML, JSP, Struts, JSF and more. Our new designer does all this and was a huge undertaking. Imagine split-screen designing a la Dreamweaver with drag and drop support for all the languages I just mentioned, that’s what it will be like.

    #234354 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Imagine split-screen designing a la Dreamweaver with drag and drop support for all the languages I just mentioned, that’s what it will be like.

    It’s so cool! Just waiting:)
    The roadmap manifests that MyEclipse 4.0 final will be released in late August. Could you tell me that MyEclipse M3 is the MyEclipse 4.0 final?

    #234367 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    M3 should be out in a week or so (I know I said that last week, but some things slipped) then we want to do atleast one or two RCs before final. But we a *REALLY* pushing hard for 4.0 final by EOM.

    #234376 Reply


    I got it 🙂

    I am very interested in SSE (com.ibm.sse.model.* & com.ibm.sse.editor.*). Could you tell me where I can get more information about SSE? Thank you!

    #234377 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    AFAIK SSE is part of the WTP framework developed by the Eclipse foundation, take a look here: http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/

    #234584 Reply


    Could you tell me when MyEclipse 4.0 M3 will be released? Please tell me the exact time. I can not wait any more to enjoy it.

    #235029 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    It’s available *right now* in the downloads section or from the update site.
    Here’s a link to the New & Noteworthy section so you know what to expect:

    #237155 Reply


    I can not resize the form fields in the design mode of MyEclipse HTML Designer. Why?

    Version: 3.1.0
    Build id: I20050627-1435
    Version: 4.0.0
    Build id: 20050829-4.0.0-GA

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