
Is there a way to create a shortcut to start an app server?

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  • #281906 Reply


    To start and stop my app server (jetty) in debug mode I click the debug dropdown menu in the toolbar and then select my app server.

    Is there any way to make this a one-click operation or, better yet, is there a way to tie a keyboard shortcut to this operation?

    I’d also love a keyboard shortcut for killing an app (the equivalent of hitting the red Terminate button on the debug output panel.

    I’d also like a way to kill all running apps. If I have 3 things running it’s annoying to have to click the red terminate button and then hit the x to get rid of that log and then hit terminate again, etc.

    Is any of that possible?

    I’m using MyEclipse 6.0.1 GA.

    #281910 Reply

    Loyal Water

    You can set your server to start on one click by disabling all the other configured servers (including MyEclipse Derby) and only having the Jetty server configured under the “Run/Stop/Start MyEclipse server” button in the tool bar.

    You cannot tie a keyboard shortcut to this operation.

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