
Issue with MyEclipse 8.5 about XML validation

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  • #308110 Reply


    In Eclipse Galileo, there is an issue to validate Mule configuration file.

    Mule’s schemas are not split over multiple schema files, it’s safe to turn off this feature. In Eclipse’s preferences, go to XML > XML Files > Validation and clear the Honour all schema locations check box. Mule config files should now validate without errors again.

    However, I wont’ be able to get that path in MyEclipse. Where can I ‘uncheck’ the option for ‘Honour all schema locations’ in MyEclipse? Can you please tell me where the corresponding column it would be?


    #308124 Reply

    There is a PR for this issue and the dev team is working on it.
    They will get back to you on this.

    #308162 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    1) Go to Window > Preferences > General > Capabilities and click Advanced.
    2) Expand MyEclipse Standard Tools and check “WTP Deprecated (Leave off)”.
    3) Click OK to close the preference dialog.
    4) Now go to Window > Preferences > MyEclipse > Files and Editors > XML > Validation – you will see the preference you are interested in.
    5) You can now disable “WTP Deprecated” by unchecking it from the “MyEclipse Standard Tools” capability.

    We will be moving this page to a more appropriate location (Window > Preferences > MyEclipse > Validation > XML), sorry for the inconvenience caused

    #308163 Reply


    Thanks for the help.

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