
J2EE project missing in "New Project" [Closed]

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  • #205833 Reply

    In Eclipse30m8 I do not see a J2EE project under “New Project’
    There used to be a J2EE item until Eclipse30m7.
    I can create a web or EJB mode by customizing the Eclipse perspective.
    In that case I see these options under new.
    Is the missing J2EE project a bug or is this by design ?

    My configuration is:
    SuSE 8.2

    #205837 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I think I remeber someone reporting this from a while back, and it had to do with scrolling… he didn’t noticed that one of the boxes could be scrolled or something to that effect, and the J2EE project type was hiding.

    Is this the case?

    #205844 Reply


    Did you select the “Show all wizards?” at the bottom of the New Project wizard?

    Presently the MyEclipse wizards do not show up by default due to recent changes introduced with Eclipse 3.0M8. We will soon begin optimizing MyEclipse features to take advantage of the emerging Eclipse 3.0 features.

    #205845 Reply

    @support-michael wrote:

    Did you select the “Show all wizards?” at the bottom of the New Project wizard?

    Presently the MyEclipse wizards do not show up by default due to recent changes introduced with Eclipse 3.0M8. We will soon begin optimizing MyEclipse features to take advantage of the emerging Eclipse 3.0 features.

    After selecting “Show all wizards” J2EE project was show.
    I did not notice the checkbox as it is new to m8.
    It’s working now and that is the main thing.

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