
JAAS login configuration file and Weblogic 8

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  • #231137 Reply



    I’m having a problem with the MyEclipse setting “JAAS login configuration file”.

    If I need to use this, what should come in here? I had placed the line


    in this field, but the file is not read by Weblogic 8. When I add this:


    in the Optional Java VM arguments it works, although there is a note on this dialog not to add -Djava lines. Adding the line in the classpath, as suggested, had also not worked.

    So if not the jaas.policy, then what should be entered in “JAAS login configuration file”?


    #231173 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This sounds like a bug Emery, can you mail this policy file to us (support@genuitec.com ATTN Riyad) for us to simulate what you are seeing? I don’t know the contents of a policy file, so I don’t know if sensative information is in it.

    #231559 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I didn’t receive any startup errors using your policy file at all, how do you know that it isn’t being used?

    #231796 Reply


    Because the roles and permission in the file are not accepted in the application. When I add the line:


    in the Weblogic JDK Optional Java VM Arguments list, it does work.

    #231810 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I have filed this for us to look into, in the mean time please continue using -D until we can figure out what is going on. This may be an item that gets fixed in 5.0 when we redo the server connectors.

    #231818 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I just got an update from the devs, this bug is actually going to get fixed in our next build, thank you for your patience waiting for the fix.

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