
Jar files, libraries and WEB-INF/lib

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  • #236225 Reply


    in eclipse for my web app to compile, I can add a user defined library to the build path, but at deployment time the jar file will have to be in the WEB-INF/lib directory for it to work on the server.

    can eclipse/myEclipse automatically pull in the correct jars at deploy time based on the libraries I’ve defined? This saves having the same jar in the directory structure for multiple projects ..


    #236230 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Yes, it can. Please see the Advanced section of the Working with Web Projects quickstart which details our support for various deployment configurations. The quickstart is available in the application’s help system and on the website here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/images/tutorials/quickstarts/webprojects/

    #236250 Reply

    that is cool!

    thanks for the pointer (and not for saying RTFM!)

    #236255 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    thanks for the pointer

    No problem. That’s why we’re here.

    (and not for saying RTFM!)

    We never say that – we don’t write documentation nearly well enough or copiously enough to get away with it. 😉

    Now, how about wondering over to JDJ’s site while you’ve got a moment and voting for us in the Reader’s Choice Awards. We’d really appreciate it! 🙂

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