I’m sure to have read about this issue in the forums before, because it’s happening as long as I remember MyEclipse, but can’t find it. Here the short story: if a project has in its build path
* a user library, or
* another project exporting JARs, or
* explicit JARs
which will be deployed together with the web application, then any JARs removed from the above resources will not be undeployed! Even explict “Redeploy” does not do this. Let me tell you that this can sometimes waste half of a workday looking for the culprit…
Eclipse SDK Version: Build id: M20071023-1652
MyEclipse Application Server Tooling Version: 6.0.1.zmyeclipse601200710 Build id: 6.0.1-GA-200710
Environment: WinXP, Tomcat 6
In rare cases the adding of a JAR to one of the resources from above list is too not reflected in the deployment without recreating the deployment.